Michigan Official Highway Maps
A List of Highway Maps
issued by the State of Michigan
images of Larry Hoenig's collection
Michigan "State Reward Roads Maps"
1912 to 1946
These one-sided maps appear to have been appendicies to the Biennual reports of the Department of Transportation. (It is not likely these maps were used by motorists, but used by the authorities to track the progess in road improvements in various counties.)
(see the link in the Sidebar at the upper left for a list of know issues)
Michigan "Trunkline Maps"
1919 to 1931
These one-sided maps show the road surface types (Cement Concrete, Bituminous Concrete and Sheet Asphalt, Waterbound Macadam, Gravel, Sand-Clay, etc).
(see the link in the Sidebar at the upper left for a list of know issues)
Michigan "Highway Condition Map"
1924 to 1927
These one-sided maps are titled "Highway Condition Map" and show the road surface type (Paved, Improved Gravel, Fair Dirt Road, Under Construction, Impassable, etc.) Probably issued on the 1st and 15th of May through December each year.
(see the link in the Sidebar at the upper left for a list of know issues)
Michigan "Highway Service Map"
1927 to 1933
These are one-sided maps.
(see the link at the left for images of my collection)
"Michigan Highways Lakes-Streams Parks and Forests" Maps
1931 to 1933
These are two-sided maps.
(see the link in the Sidebar at the upper left for a list of know issues)
"Michigan Official Highway Maps"
1934 to 1973
(see the link in the Sidebar at the upper left for a list of know issues)
"Michigan Official Transportation Maps"
1974 to present
(see the link in the Sidebar at the upper left for a list of know issues)
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RMCA member #842
Road Map Collectors Association